
Re: Re: Re: Re: What would you like to see changed as with the Lobster Fishery?

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Posted by Pasley on July 29, 2012 at 10:28:19:

In Reply to: Re: Re: Re: What would you like to see changed as with the Lobster Fishery? posted by Max Bottomtime on July 28, 2012 at 20:01:38:

The Lobster FAQ is someones who made up the DFG FAQ interpertation of the regulation and what the regulation says at 29.90b. But that is not what it says or how the game wardens interpert what it says. What is says is, and I quote from page 50 of the Ocean sport Fishing Regulations Effective March 1, 2012 through February 28, 2013:"19.90(b) Limit: Seven" no period, no words Daily, nothing.

I agree that every other place in the regulation it also says Limit X, but no words of Daily, monthly, annua etc. So this does give creedance to the "it means daily" argument. My point is that is not how the wardens are interpeting it. It is also not how previous editions of the regulation read. They said in possession.

This goes to my argument that the regulations are vauge. While someone who made up the FAQ interperted that to mean "Daily" bag limit (and as you can see by the above I can see how they got there), my coversation with a game warden wearing Captain rank shows a different interpetitaiton. He said "7 in possesion including home, car, boat" He also said that normally they are not at your home. But when they raid a poacher's home, they charge them for exceeding the limit if they have over 7 lobsters in the freezer.

He was unable however to show me where it said "in possesion". He said it was on the Lobster report card. It is not.

OK here is where it spell it out. In a papmphlet they say "Daily Bag Limit is 7 lobsters IN POSSESION, and includes freezer etc. So what you have is, the limit is 7 but that you can only have 7 on any given day including what is at home, and NOT that you can catch 7 per day and have say 50 at home from 30 days of hunting. Confusing? You bet it is. https://www.google.com/url?q=http://nrm.dfg.ca.gov/FileHandler.ashx%3FDocumentID%3D36321&sa=U&ei=UHEVULveIJS8qAHUvoHgCQ&ved=0CA8QFjAF&client=internal-uds-cse&usg=AFQjCNG6uJofqv6M-6ediQlPhSbm4iMd9w

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