
Re: SDM: What was your role in the Hannes Keller dive?

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Posted by SDM on July 29, 2012 at 12:43:15:

In Reply to: SDM: What was your role in the Hannes Keller dive? posted by Steve B on July 28, 2012 at 05:27:54:

It was an USN funded and USN operation. I also think Skin Diver Magaziine; a magazine for skin divers and spearfishermen had a small part in sponsoring hannes Keller

I had no role. I sat down observed the activity and keep my mouth shut. Setting and observing was no problem Keeping my mouth shut?
You be the judge....

The late Harry Wham of LV was the civilian photographer..Any one recall Harry or Whamo divers? He had LV's first dive shop and was all over the place in diving until he was murdered in LV. His classes were always full of LV show girls-Lovely to look at but with brains the size of a pea- Every one enjoyed helping out on his dive trips when he came to the coast for class check out dives

The late Jim Auxier, founder and editor of SDM was there documenting the event for an SDM article

Jim Stewart was there representing SIO and their diving programs.

The late Dick Anderson was there as a safety diver. He was well qualified as a safety diver. He closed the leaking hatch with his head which created a scare which remained the rest of his life

The late Chris Whittaker of UCLA was there because he was English as was Peter Small, who as previously mentioned was the God of Underwater for jolly ole England. Chris was listed as a "Safety diver" He was very inexperienced and should have been an observer.

When he surfaced from 200 feet from the first exploratory dive on the chamber he was bleeding from his nostralis and he PFV was fully inflated, indicating he was grossly over weighted. He rested for a moment grabbed another full tank , uttered something like "I got to save Peter'" used a dive knife to punchure his PFV and jumped over board never to be seen again. A few moments later Dick Anderson entered the water for the second time to cut off a fin that was holding the door open. Dick never saw Whittaker or his bubbles on this dive...

Now you know the Rest of the story....


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