
Dive Report - Paddy Hopping off of Dana Point

Scuba Diving on the Great Escape Southern California Live-Aboard Dive Boat

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Posted by WalterMarti on September 13, 2012 at 21:34:22:

I had the opportunity to tag along with a freediving spearfisherman last Monday. We were kelp paddy hopping off of Dana Point, stopping by the numbered seamounts, 260, 181, etc. Crazy clear vis, well over 100'. Things appeared alot closer than they really were. The best action was the last one, closest to Dana Point. We found a paddy that fisherman were having no luck at. I dove in to find a small school of Dorado (mahi mahi) circling about and spawning. They would let me get close. But when the guy with speargun showed up, they disappeared. We stayed at this paddy for over a half an hour. Some other fisherman showed up, dropped in some lines and the dorado disappeared into the blue.

We also had quite a few blue whale sightings.


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