
September 2012 and early October!

Great Dive Trips at Bargain Prices with the Sea Divers

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Posted by Captain Kyaa on September 14, 2012 at 15:49:18:

Hi Divers,

Yep, I'm sure you've heard - outstanding conditions and water temps near those in Hawaii! Kind of a complicated end of September for us with lots of private boats and a big GUE conference, not to mention a 6 day in the middle of it all...lol But we still have a few offerings for you to close out September 2012!

Express will have open boats on Sunday 9/23 (3 tanks!) and on Saturday 9/29 (also 3 tanks). We already have a half dozen signed up for Weds 9/26 as well but we could really use some more local talent. :) We also have open boat spots 10/5-7, although the weekend boat are already half full. ;)

And don't forget the opening of Lobster season is nearly here. I have a spot or two available for serious lobster hunters on an opener 3 day. Please call for details if interested. And our 3rd Scuba Chef Sundiver trip is scheduled for 10/6 with not only amazing creations by Trevor but live music too! That trip is $150 all inclusive. Feel free to give me a call for further details on any of the above to get under!
Captain Kyaa

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