
DFG Expands Online Services to Include Harvest Reporting

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Posted by CDFG News Release on September 18, 2012 at 00:03:22:

California Department of Fish and Game News Release

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - September 17, 2012

Contact: Brent George, License Program Analyst, (916) 928-6882

Media Contact: Janice Mackey, DFG Communications, (916) 322-8908

DFG Expands Online Services to Include Harvest Reporting

Collected data plays critical role in managing hunting and fishing programs

The Department of Fish and Game (DFG) is now offering online harvest reporting for hunters and anglers for the 2012 season and beyond.

While the reporting requirements for hunters and anglers have not changed, the way information is reported is now faster and easier. Hunters and anglers can report their harvest details more quickly, and that information can be put to use promptly.

Standard mail reporting is still available and can be done through the address printed on the report card.

To report online, just go to DFG’s Online License Service page (www.dfg.ca.gov/licensing/ols) and search for your profile by entering your last name, date of birth and ID Number, which can be a driver's license number, a GO ID or other form of identification. When the system finds an exact match, it automatically logs the user on to their profile, where he or she can purchase a license, complete a harvest report or apply for drawings.

Confirmation numbers will be provided to those who report online, so there will be no need to mail in the report card. Write the number on the report card and retain it for 90 days for survey purposes. Once a report card has been reported, it is no longer valid.

Please note: The law requires harvest data in a timely manner even if you were unsuccessful or did not hunt or fish. However, there are some exceptions; please refer to your tag or report card for specific reporting requirements. In addition, you can visit www.dfg.ca.gov/licensing/harvestreporting for additional information on harvest reporting requirements.

Details on species and reporting availability online are listed below:

Requirements for online reporting

- Complete data is required and must be completed within 20 minutes to avoid a system time-out.

- Sport fishing report cards may be reported online only after the last day of the report card’s validity. All entries on the report card must be entered onto the electronic form, including activity where no catches were made.

-If required for that species, all successful hunters are still required to have their tag counter-signed. This is mandatory regardless of how the report card data is reported.

Reporting Availability

You may submit your information online for items below beginning on the specified date. Only the data from 2012 tags and report cards and beyond may be submitted online.

July 1, 2012:

- Antelope tags

- Bear Tags

- Bighorn Sheep Tags

- Bobcat Tags

- Deer tags

- Elk Tags

- Pig Tags

December 1, 2012:

- Abalone Report Card

January 1, 2013:

- North Coast Salmon Report Card

- Spiny Lobster Report Card

- Steelhead Report Card

- Sturgeon Fishing Report Card

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