
Dive Report - Newport Pier - Sun/Mon

Scuba Diving on the Great Escape Southern California Live-Aboard Dive Boat

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Posted by WalterMarti on November 27, 2012 at 00:08:54:

I got a phone call at 7am Sunday morning, and was instructed to come on down and dive the Pier. Epic conditons I was told. I had plans for Sunday, I changed them. Jim was right, the swell models were wrong.

It's been a while since I was at the Pier. I just hasn't been the same since they jacketed all the piling a few years back. But, life has returned. It's once again becoming a great photo op. It was so nice I had to dive it Monday morning as well.

At 1:18 there is a clip of a bunch of polycera nudibranchs. Is one is eating, or being eaten by a snail? A bycatch shot, or I would have framed it better. This shot was taken on a small piece of kelp that we dubbed the nudibranch tree. It was full of life.

Newport Pier - November 2012 from Walter Marti on Vimeo.

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