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Posted by Brad on December 12, 2012 at 11:30:12:

In Reply to: Re: Re: Squid washed ashore in Santa Cruz posted by halibug on December 11, 2012 at 18:05:34:

#1) Someone posts about yet another episode of "mysterious" squid beachings..

#2) I immediately look at the sportfishing totals for the local landings...

#3) Sure enough, the humbolts were in the count!

Conclusion: Anytime there is a substantial humbolt squid bite, there is a very good chance of further beachings...

I would really love to hear your theory about the squid~

BTW, rockfish mostly live in rocky structures and kelp--humbolt are mostry pelagic-- i'm sure they cross paths once in a while, but i doubt they are having a substancial impact on the rockfish populations. Besides, it would be foolish to blame one specie for the anhilation of another unless you can give us an example??? The live-fish fishery is what happened to the SWRF and that's a FACT-

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