
Magician Open Boats this weekend 1/12 & 1/13

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Posted by Capt. Jerry on January 07, 2013 at 17:42:48:

Hello Divers!
We have changed up our 2013 calender a bit... Let me explain. As of now when you see an open boat trip it will say either "Beginner/Intermediate or Intermediate/Advanced..I may change this to read a destination such as "Ship Rock or "Goat Harbor instead but needed to get something up on the calendar before Jan.! That said please watch the website as it will be completely redone in a couple of months with some really exciting new things happening with the Dive Boat "Magician"!

Ok...About this upcoming weekend.. we have an open boat on Saturday the 12th posted as a Beginner/Intermediate trip great for newer divers and O/W classes. On Sunday we have an Intermediate/ Advanced trip more suited to Certified divers looking for dive sites like Ship Rock, Blue Caverns, Etc. Please note that on any scheduled dive trip unless it is posted as an "Advanced Dive" only, divers will have the opportunity to dive shallow as well as deeper at the dive sites chosen. For example "Ship Rock" has beautiful shallow areas all around the rock as well as spectacular deeper areas.

All our trips include 3 dives, food and air fills for one low price. If you would like to sign up you can visit us at www.magicianscuba.com or give me a call at 661 714-9259

We appreciate your business! Capt. Jerry
P.S. We have our 2013 "Magician" Sweatshirts and Tee shirts for sale!

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