
Palos Verdes Wreck Diving

Great Dive Trips at Bargain Prices with the Sea Divers

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Posted by Max Bottomtime on March 02, 2013 at 21:19:08:

The ocean was glassy as we headed toward Marineland this morning. A couple visiting from Spain found some uncommon nudibranchs there this week, including one I've never seen. Our plan was to dive the wreck of the Jenny Lynne, then offgas some more in ten to fifteen feet where the nudis were.

Visibility on the wreck was only ten feet, but I have seen it much worse. I took as many shots of the metridiums and rockfish as I could, but didn't leave the stern area due to the poor vis. We motored toward shore, only to find milky water in the cove. Buchanan's Reef was dirty as well, so I headed offshore to let Merry and Kevin soak in the salps and siphonophores.

We ended the day at the wreck of the Avalon. Surge, dirty water and 50° temperature made the dive less than enjoyable, but I did finally get a nice picture of a Peltodoris mullineri.

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Peltodoris mullineri

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Naked Clam, Chlamydoconcha orcutti

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