
CHAMBER CHALLENGE 2013 - UPDATE #4 - $10,357

Scuba Diving on the Great Escape Southern California Live-Aboard Dive Boat

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Posted by Chamber Day Committee on April 08, 2013 at 15:03:55:

We've made it past $10,000!!! I've got the feeling it's going to be an uphill climb this year but we'll make it there with your help.

The latest people to pitch in to keep our Chamber financially healthy are the good folks at Hollywoodivers with a generous $1000 donation. They certainly understand the need that ANY diver, regardless of certification level, might have one day for a functioning Chamber.

Coming in at the $500 level is a name you might recognize - Karl Huggins (he's the Director of our Chamber in case you didn't know). With his donation, Karl shows that he not only talks the talk but also walks the walk (as he well he helps ends the bends).

I also want to point out on of the $100 donation which comes from Indian Valley Scuba. It's significant because they're located in Philadelphia, PA. Why would they help keep a chamber in Los Angeles going? Because they know that they could be out here one day and be in need, as well as what's learned at one chamber is shared with other chambers to improve the care of divers all over this country and the world.

So even if you NEVER dive in California, you could still indirectly benefit from the work done at our Chamber here if you should ever be treated at a chamber elsewhere. And the reality is that we can't do it without you. Help out your all divers by using the direct link to our sign-up page for the Chamber Challenge as well as all other aspect of Chamber Day: https://www.alumniconnections.com/olc/pub/SCA/events/event_order.cgi?tmpl=events&event=2360392%20

Who's next????????

CHAMBER CHALLENGE 2013 - $10,357 total (posted 4/8/13 @ 2PM - last updated 4/2)

New donors are in bold type and marked with an asterisk.

Gold ($1,000 and up - includes 25th anniversary poster)
* Hollywoodivers
Laurie Kasper & Ken Kurtis
Beach Cities Scuba
John Delaney III
Sport Chalet
Antelope Valley Desert Divers

Silver ($500-999 - includes 25th anniversary poster)
* Karl Huggins
Susy Horowitz
Eo Ong & Paul Thompson

Poster 300 - http://www.reefseekers.com/Ken%20pages/Chamber%20Day%20stuff/Poster-25_V5_-_JPG_-_300.jpg
Poster 500 - http://www.reefseekers.com/Ken%20pages/Chamber%20Day%20stuff/Poster-25_V5_-_JPG_-_500.jpg


Poster ($250-499 - includes 25th anniversary poster)
Roy & Linda Houston
Stuart Berryhill
Jeanne Sleeper
In memory of Fran Ollweiler
Stephen Benevides
Robert Newman

Bronze ($100-499)
* Sue Ollweiler
* www.IndianValleyScuba.com
* Leslie Thompson
* Kevin Augarten
Jerry Nickelsburg
Gorman Dive Adventures & Travel
Jing Yuen Yeo
Dana Rodda
Michael Faust
Watson Family Trusts
Patrick Smith & Cindy Shaw

Other (less than $100)
* Brock Dewey
Little girl at Divers Day ($2)

Ken Kurtis
Chairman, Chamber Day/Eve 2013
& the entire Chamber Day 2013 Committee

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