
Under the cashew tree...in Anilao

Great Dive Trips at Bargain Prices with the Sea Divers

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Posted by Merry on May 03, 2013 at 08:53:51:

Cashew tree photo CashewtreeDSC_9132_zps64d1a0ca.jpg

Located in Mabini, Batangas, Philippines, we stayed at the well-known photo hub, Club Ocellaris, overlooking spectacular Balayan Bay. This was our first trip to Anilao, and Kevin’s fourth.

Club-O photo Club-ODSC_9162_zps64d31a14.jpg

Club-O is named for the false anemonefish, Amphiprion ocellaris

False clown anemone fish photo FalseclownanemonefishDSC_8084800_zpsf00bc3da.jpg

View north photo WalkwaynorthDSC_9147_zps0adcf73f.jpg

Joy is the gracious manager and sous-chef at Club-O. What a doll. Everything runs smoothly because of Joy and her staff, and the food is out of this world.

Phil & Joy photo 1a41306e-61b9-4c8e-8d05-937f4ca9036d_zps6621b2fe.jpg

Boatman Jeremy waits for the dive party while Phil lounges.

Jeremy waits photo PhilwaitsDSCN0228_zpsd9c925a3.jpg

Paris resident and phenomenal diver, Zung made 4 dives every day for 2 weeks. Plus, Zung’s dives were always longer than ours by 15 - 20 min. We still can’t figure out how she did it.

Zung photo ZungdiveanimalDSCN0233_zps6e0c1bd7.jpg

Zung boarding photo ZungboardingbancaDSC_9170_zpsedcfe5e3.jpg

Brothers Bohdi and Jeremy, expert boatmen. In a word, they’re terrific young men.

Launch photo LeavingportDSCN0237_zps224dcf5f.jpg

Kevin has peculiar, er…particular gear requirements.

Kev plastic bag photo KevinplasticbagDSCN0227_zps4a59f5b6.jpg

The boatmen’s vast experience and attention to detail was key to the ease of diving there. Dive gear and cameras were always managed like we would have done it ourselves. We were never rushed, and dive times were only limited by how much air we had.

Boatmen Obet and Jeremy with Dr. Elias Amador and Kevin. Rumor has it that Dr. Eli is fond of termites...or is that Zung?

Dr. Eli and Kev photo ObetJeremyEliKevin2DSCN0182_zps661a3103.jpg

These men were checking our paid permit to dive in a Marine Park Sanctuary.

Checking permits photo CheckingpermitsDSCN0214_zps4e46cc51.jpg

Bohdi kindly serving hot tea between dives. A most welcome and appreciated treat.

Bohdi making tea photo BodhipreparesteaDSCN0195_zps924f0661.jpg

Mangosteen snack - Kevin’s fave.

Mangosteen photo MangosteensizedDSCN0290_zpsf54dc2a8.jpg

The diversity of marine life in this area is truly staggering. Each of the 18 sites we dove offered something different. It would take weeks of photography and many trips to Anilao to capture the essence of each habitat and the array of animals. (But we would volunteer to do it.)

This is the most unusual jelly I saw, but can’t find the ID.

Pink jelly photo DSC_7976_zps8a8c53d2.jpg

Wire coral crab, Xenocarcinus tuberculatus

Xenocarcinus tuberculatus photo XenocarcinustuberculatusDSC_8872_zps4de44777.jpg

Bobtail squid, Euprymna berryi

Euprymna berryi photo BobtailsquidDSC_8942_zps9f95f813.jpg

Euprymna berryi photo BobtailsquidEupyrmnaspDSC_8941_zpsa7bf83ae.jpg


Bispira photo Bispiraworm800DSC_8087_zpsb147440d.jpg

Spirobranchus giganteus

Spirobranchus giganteus photo SpirobranchusgiganteusyellowDSC_9043_zpsd8ced45d.jpg

Spirobranchus giganteus photo SpirobranchusgiganteusDSC_7874_zpse260f580.jpg


Sabellastarte photo SabellastartebDSC_7879800_zpsf7a43864.jpg

Gorlock mantis shrimp, Lysiosquillina lisa

Lysiosquillina lisa photo GorlockmantisshrimpDSC_8346_zps50a2a39e.jpg

 photo HermitcrabatpierDSC_8165_zpsb643fa4a.jpg

Squat anemone shrimp, Thor amboinensis

Thor amboinensis photo PericlimenesbrevicarpalisDSC_8988_zps8123447a.jpg

Sea pen, Veretillum

Veretillum sea pen photo SoftcoralDSC_8906_zpsdfefa080.jpg

These are the juvenile and adult forms of sea cucumber, Bohadschia graeffei. The juvenile form mimics a Phyllidia nudibranch, affording it protection during until it reaches a larger size.

Bohadschia graeffei photo BohadschiagraeffeijuvieampadultDSC_79502_zps358922ea.jpg

Feather mouth sea cucumber, Synapta maculata

Synapta maculata photo SynaptamaculatabbDSC_7900_zps6b43529c.jpg

Here are a few of the many urchin species:

Asthenosoma varium

Asthenosoma varium photo AsthenosomavariumDSC_8318_zpsb57c6c82.jpg

Asthenosoma ijimai

Asthenosoma ijimai photo AsthenosomaijimaiDSC_7863_zps006df340.jpg

Diadema setosum

Diadema setosum photo DiademasetosumDSC_8295_zps7f1000e5.jpg

 photo Urchin800DSC_8970_zps843f0019.jpg

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