
Fun in the fog.

JuJee Beads, handmade flamework glass beads

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Posted by Merry on August 19, 2013 at 20:07:50:

From Morro Bay to Long Beach Harbor, the last three foggy dive sites yielded a terrific diversity of critters. That's one of the wonderful things about CA diving - there's something for everyone.

Under the North T-pier at Morro Bay

This was the first time I'd seen a one-spot fringehead. Note the extremely elongated cirri.

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Juvenile lingcod resting on a piling.

 photo JuvenilelingcodDSC_0884_zps3f251af7.jpg

Can't ID this little sculpin.

 photo RedjuvenilefishDSC_0880_zps7419407b.jpg

Flabellina trilineata

 photo FlabellinatrilineataDSC_0849_zps2781f254.jpg

Polycera tricolor

 photo PolyceraatrasDSC_0840_zpsb9315af5.jpg

Possibly Diaphorodoris lirulatocauda; waiting for ID from an expert.

 photo IDneededsizedDSC_0908_zps25f22b08.jpg

I caught this tricky decorator crab in its relatively careless stroll.

 photo DecoratorcrabDSC_0860_zps2f2172cb.jpg

Megaloma pigmentum, a Sabellid worm.

 photo SabellidmegalomaWormDSC_0895_zps9981f62e.jpg

Next stop was the African Queen wreck with Margaret and Scott Webb

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 photo MetridiumclusterDSC_0935_zps9b9ece9d.jpg

 photo WolfeelsDSC_0949_zps7461ed7b.jpg

Everyone is talking about the wolf eels, but this wreck is covered with CA scorpionfish. It looks like an interior decorator went mad and couldn't resist placing one or more of these stony-faced fish on every available ledge.

 photo ScorpionfishDSC_0947_zps0f84cf13.jpg

 photo TwoscorpionfishDSC_0946_zps2f1e87c1.jpg

Resort Point Reef

Okenia rosacea and its delicate pink eggs.

 photo OkeniarosaceapairDSC_0989_zps38f913d2.jpg

Felimare porterae

 photo FelimareporteraeDSC_1010_zps5733403c.jpg

 photo SpongeDSC_1003_zps941e846d.jpg

 photo IdasmiterDSC_0981_zps00688c4d.jpg

 photo NorristopsnailunsatDSC_1037_zpsae32720f.jpg

 photo GreenanemonebDSC_0995_zpsf555450a.jpg

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