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Outer Bamnks diving on the Great Escape Southern California Live-Aboard Dive Boat

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Posted by Merry on August 31, 2013 at 19:17:15:

In Reply to: Honeymoon Phase is Over posted by Max Bottomtime on August 31, 2013 at 15:34:47:

Another unexpected find in Honeymoon Cove: mats of what may be a sulfur-oxiding bacteria species like that found at White Point on the south side of Palos Verdes Peninsula. We traditionally think of bacteria as microscopic, but this bacteria forms thin filaments up to several centimeters in length. The bacteria at White Point occurs around sulfidic hydrothermal vents. It seems geologically reasonable that there are similar vents at Honeymoon Cove.

 photo SulphuroxbacteriaDSC_1387_zpsd46b05ca.jpg

 photo SulphuroxbacteriaDSC_1077_zps062c0003.jpg

As Phil said today, water was a dense, milky-green, presumably due to phytoplankters. Disappointing vis, but we can't fault them as they're just doing their job.

 photo Rubberlips2DSC_1373_zps90ec041d.jpg

This male sheephead had been in a scrap or two.

 photo MalesheepheadDSC_1372_zpse263c39e.jpg

 photo MalesheepheadDSC_1371_zps75ca5087.jpg

 photo MackerelandblacksmithsDSC_1401_zps7b7d0fa4.jpg

 photo RainbowseaperchDSC_1405_zpscd61e5a4.jpg

 photo CabezonDSC_1067_zpsd1e4c52c.jpg

 photo GobyDSC_1201_zpsfbd10830.jpg

 photo KelpDSC_1429_zps3b0af177.jpg

Polycera tricolor with eggs

 photo PolyceratricolorwitheggsspDSC_1085_zpsd06f66f6.jpg

Acanthodoris hudsoni

 photo AhudsoniDSC_1396_zps3318be94.jpg

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