
Reef hopping and a little Marineland sand.

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Posted by Merry on October 15, 2013 at 08:41:34:

Last weekend, Phil and I finally got to show Kevin the reefs at Honeymoon Cove/Resort Point. Thankfully, conditions were good for Kevin's first dunk since April, and his partially healed knee didn't complain too much about the exertion. Nice to see schools of fish over these reefs.

Embiotoca jacksoni, Black perch
Black perch photo Blackperch800DSC_2413_zps7b0f96c8.jpg

Cheilotrema saturnum, Black croakers
 photo Blackcroakers690DSC_2410_zpsa9615e6e.jpg

Sebastes serriceps, Treefish
Treefish photo Treefish690DSC_2387_zps30f3f6d4.jpg

Sebastes serranoides, Olive rockfish
Juvenile olive rockfish photo Juvenileoliverockfish800DSC_2527_zpsa465358d.jpg

Paralabrax nebulifer, Barred sand bass
 photo Juvbarredsandbassmodcrop800DSC_2516_zpsd7c979db.jpg

As I recall, Honeymoon cove is the first site where we've seen these faint pink serpulid worms.
 photo Pinkworm680DSC_2431_zps9c9ce301.jpg

Lythrypnus zebra, zebra goby. First time I've been able to get even remotely close to one. I'll bet we can find it on the same sponge next weekend.
 photo ZebragobyDSC_2371_zps8558ee8e.jpg

Alpheus bellimanus
 photo Redshrimp800DSC_2434_zpsa9da05d9.jpg

Diaulula sandiegensis grazing on sponge.
 photo SanDiegodorid800DSC_2442_zps05a0cc73.jpg

Triopha catalinae
 photo Triophacatalinae800DSC_2563_zpsd144014e.jpg

Facelina stearnsi Guaranteed to find these practically neon-orange nudis on the rusting Marineland platform or the Star of Scotland wreck.
 photo Facelinastearnsi800DSC_2558_zps88a05d9c.jpg

Janolus barbarensis
 photo Janolusbarbarensis800DSC_2521_zps2ec682ac.jpg

The End
 photo Yellowcrabeatingfish800DSC_2509_zpse41f1549.jpg

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