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Great Dive Trips at Bargain Prices with the Sea Divers

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Posted by Merry on November 29, 2013 at 10:17:08:

In Reply to: test Kevin's link posted by Merry on November 27, 2013 at 10:58:16:

At Honeymoon cove, bat rays cruised past us five times, during which time vis steadily deteriorated. Phil suggested that they might have been stirring-up things while feeding in the sand off the reef.

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A second school of ~ 100 barracuda surprised us on Buchanan’s reef.

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This yellowfin fringehead is from the Flat Rock area. These tiny fish are probably more common than we detect.

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Kelp at White Point outfall pipe supports an astonishing array of species.
Channeled topsnail, Caliostoma canaliculatum

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It’s relative, the blue-ring topsnail Caliostoma annulatum

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The kelp at White Point outfall is fairly heavily populated with the infrequently seen lion nudibranch, Melibe leonina

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Intriguing tiny crustaceans crowd the surface of kelp fronds.

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Perfectly matching our red sponges, Rostanga pulchra is about as frustratingly cryptic as a nudi can get. (Merry's Reef.)

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Phil's favorite garibaldi can always been found in the same spot on Merry's Reef.

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Worms from Buchanan's Reef.

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