
It's the little things...

JuJee Beads, handmade flamework glass beads

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Posted by Merry on December 16, 2013 at 10:02:09:

Worms, snails, and slugs, found mostly under rocks or tucked into crevices.

Serpulid worms:

serpulid worm photo SerpulidwormbestDSC_4151_zpsbbc6d7a4.jpg

serpulid worm trio photo SerpulidtrioDSC_4169_zpsf10100f9.jpg

serpulid worm photo SerpulidwormDSC_4145_zps8c8dd096.jpg

serpulid worm photo SerpulidwormwhitecroppedDSC_4067_zps571ac9f5.jpg

Perhaps a marginella Volvarina?, approximately 1 cm.
marginella photo MarginellaVolvarinataeniolatadarkerDSC_4191_zpsf873b49e.jpg

Caliostoma species.
 photo topsnail800DSC_4118_zps847463f8.jpg

 photo topsnail800DSC_4120_zps77278a51.jpg

Trivia, confused as to the species.
coffeebean photo CoffeebeanDSC_4177_zps41e5f4be.jpg

Jewels appear to line the skirt of Cadlina modesta.
Cadlina modesta photo CadlinamodestaDSC_4037_zpsaa0c0118.jpg

Ancula gibbosa
Ancula gibbosa photo Anculagibosa800DSC_4112_zps7b07ea4d.jpg

Ancula gibbosa pair photo Anculagibbosapair800DSC_4113_zps6b29f2f4.jpg

Cadlina flavomaculata
Cadlina flavomaculata photo Cflavomaculata800DSC_4026_zps26ee88b3.jpg

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