
Dream Diving in Las Veags

Outer Bamnks diving on the Great Escape Southern California Live-Aboard Dive Boat

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Posted by Doug Dubick on January 06, 2014 at 12:38:22:

Hey guys, I left California several years ago and landed at The Wynn in Las Vegas as a Diver Technician on the water show 'Le Reve.' As far as jobs go, it is stressful, physically demanding, and not for everyone, but I have enjoyed it more that just about every other job I've had in my life. I was a Drama Major in College and worked in the film business in LA for a long time so the mix of theater and diving is an unimagined dream come true for me.

It's a niche in the diving world that few people get to experience and so they came up with a way to share it. It's new, and it's called the Diver's Dream. ($2500 per couple). The package includes a two night stay at the hotel, VIP Circle tickets for the show the first night, an orientation and check out dive the following morning, and then you get to dive the show. Request me as your personal guide for the best experience possible! ;)

BTW, I'm just putting this out because I think it's cool and I'd love to have some experience dedicated divers come and dive with us. I'm not a marketing person at all and I am only posting this here because I've always liked and appreciated the So Cal dive community that exists on this board since I discovered it back in 2001 or '02.

All the gear is provided but it's acceptable to bring your own mask, fins, booties, and gloves (all subject to our approval, of course). The water is 89 degrees but we're down for 80 minutes or so, so we wear either a skin or a half mil. If I'm on Dive Com I'll put on a 3/2.

I haven't done a recreational dive since I started at 'Le Reve' and I sure miss diving the Pacific, but I'm getting my personal gear back in shape and hope to get down to So Cal for some diving this summer.

Here are a couple of promos, one about the show, which is one of only three water shows of this caliber on Earth, and possibly the entire Galaxy, as far as I know. It's a Cirque du Soleil-type show. With acrobats, gymnasts, synchronized swimmers, aerialists, strong men, clowns, and ballroom dancers. "There will be FIRE! Water and Lighting Effects! And Live Animals!" It is a spectacle that should only be witnessed in person!


The second promo is for the Dream Dive.


Hope to see you down there.

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