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Posted by Merry on February 09, 2014 at 11:41:29:

I sure got a kick out of these subjects - most were found at Golf Ball Reef (Palos Verdes Peninsula).

Presenting all three species of our coastal fringeheads:

Onespot fringehead snapping up a shrimp.
Onespot fringehead eating shrimp photo Onespotfringeheadeatingshrimpcropped2XDSC_4711_zps0fc9fdb0.jpg

Yellowfin fringehead (barge)
Yellowfin fringehead barge photo Yellowfinfringehead2br690DSC_4260_zps84e3b905.jpg

Yellowfin fringehead photo Yellowfinfringehead690DSC_4053_zps28c4eb1a.jpg

Yellowfin fringehead (crane)
Yellowfin fringehead crane photo YellowfinfringeheadcraneDSC_4320_zpsffe4ef43.jpg

Sarcastic fringehead
Sarcastic fringehead photo Sarcasticfringehead2DSC_4698_zpsd9f3eeb7.jpg

Coralline sculpin
Coralline sculpin photo CorallinesculpinDSC_4776_zps922b7c80.jpg

Heptacarpus franciscanus male (ID thanks to Greg Jensen and Kevin Lee) Females are solid red, which effectively conceals developing eggs under her carapace.
Heptacarpus franciscus male photo Heptacarpusfranciscanusmale2DSC_4790_zps09b4ba27.jpg

Heptacarpus franciscanus males
Heptacarpus franciscus photo HeptacarpusfranciscanusthreemalesDSC_4791_zps6b594ea9.jpg

Kevin found this cryptic Rostanga pulchra. Its color and texture beautifully matches the sponge food source. Try looking for them on red sponges and you'll be thrilled if you find one.
Rostanga pulchra photo Rostangpulchrafromjpg800DSC_4767_zps8ee29a2b.jpg

Rostanga pulchra photo Rostangapulchra2DSC_4772_zpsa4200e3c.jpg

Phil and Kevin pointed out these tiny amphipod kelp curlers.
Kelp curlers photo kelpcurlersDSC_4659_zps0e2d8106.jpg

Kelp curlers photo KelpcurlerDSC_4657_zps4d7b9a37.jpg

Lamellaria diegogensis This is sort of an inside-out snail. Part of the body remains outside the shell. ID thanks to Kevin Lee.
Lamellaria sp. photo LamellariaDSC_4536_zpsf65f09bb.jpg

Don't know which species of lamellarid this is. The body resembles a white tunicate and part of the shell is visible.
Lamellaria sp. photo Lamellariasp690DSC_4787_zps6995120f.jpg

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