
The Avalon Wreck has also been redecorated

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Posted by Roger on March 17, 2014 at 23:01:31:

On saturday we got the inflatable all the way over to the Avalon, and I hardly recognized it. Lots of steel plates have been scrubbed clean and moved around, the layout has really changed. A lot more plate seems to have come out of nowhere, lots of new bare rust has been exposed, there's lots of thin cable, maybe electrical, exposed. As I swam toward the bow, I was so amazed at all the new plate I was seeing, I was convinced the bow had collapsed and spread out. The bow was actually still there, as was the stern, but much of what is between the two is different. The rock around the bow is very scoured away, cool patterns in the rock there.

Avalon photos:
Finally got my photos up from the weekend. I hardly recognize the avalon.


Scoured rock:


And then sunday the webbs took pity on me and took me out in a real boat, we did the Barge.


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