
Golf Ball Green

Great Dive Trips at Bargain Prices with the Sea Divers

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Posted by Merry on April 15, 2014 at 09:45:05:

Tell the truth, Golf Ball Reef barely qualifies as a reef. It lies off the drainpipe at Haggarty's Cove, and is no more than an expanse of low rock rubble delineated by sand. Right now, at 49 degrees and swathed in phytoplankton, it's not all that inviting, but it's certainly not quiet. Hundreds of one to two-inch rockfish have occupied the area, and mega quantities of inverts still provide plenty of fodder for photographs.

 photo EastofGolfBallDSC_5177_zps2f4e5fc9.jpg

 photo GiantkelpfishDSC_5204_zps3df07075.jpg

Juvenile Chestnut Cowry
 photo YoungchestnutcowrieDSC_5350_zps7c5995f9.jpg

Cowry Town
 photo CowrietownDSC_5235_zps472d627f.jpg

 photo AfishDSC_5380_zpsf8bc371b.jpg

 photo AnotherfishDSC_5382_zps8cf72060.jpg

 photo FishinabottleDSC_5339_zps094c2613.jpg

Sarcastic Fringehead
 photo SarcasticfringeheadDSC_5249_zps0ed031b7.jpg

Here, large onespot fringeheads are usually out in the open and don't mind charging us!
 photo OnespotfringeheadDSC_5342_zpse1466585.jpg

Usually scarce as hen's teeth, can be seen on every dive.
 photo FelimidamacfarlandiDSC_5301_zpsd609e96a.jpg

 photo CadlinalimbaughorumDSC_5379_zps2ee5594e.jpg

 photo ConesnailDSC_5352_zpsd05bcd73.jpg

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