
My Favs From Local Reefs

Great Dive Trips at Bargain Prices with the Sea Divers

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Posted by Merry on June 13, 2014 at 09:48:34:

Falling star photo FallingstarDSC_5877_zpsca223e1d.jpg

Brown cup coral photo BrowncupcoralDSC_6056_zps50e1c76e.jpg

Serpulids photo 2serpulidsimprovedDSC_6062_zpsa3ad1e43.jpg

Trivia californica photo TriviacalifornicacorrectsizeDSC_5769_zps77aa8dcf.jpg

Chestnut cowry on eggs that I didn't see until later.
Chestnut cowry photo CowryoneggsbcsDSC_6144_zps9c2063fd.jpg

Dendronotus venustus (formerly frondosis)on kelp stalk.
Dendronotus venustus photo DendronotusvenustuscorrectsizeDSC_5813_zps60eaafb4.jpg

Dendronotus venustus photo DendronotusvenustusDSC_5828_zpsd0dd7641.jpg

On Golf Ball Reef, I was delighted to find this uncommon nudi, Doriopsilla gemela and a coil of its eggs.
 photo DoriopsillagemelaDSC_5953_zpsc47c7bcb.jpg

 photo DoriopsillagemelaeggsDSC_5939_zps521e4327.jpg

In all my local dives, I've only seen one D. gemela, but there are many on mucky old Golf Ball.
 photo DoriopsillagemelapairDSC_5959_zps94d2ef50.jpg

I can't stop photographing Felimida macfarlandi.
 photo FelimidamacfarlandiLDSC_5694_zpse6176810.jpg

Other reproduction happening at Golf Ball
Kellets laying eggs photo KelletslayingeggsDSC_5577_zpsf0a67ebf.jpg

Yellow crab with eggs photo YellowcrabwitheggsDSC_6155_zps177b0445.jpg

Yellow crab eggs photo Yellowcrabcloseupeggs2DSC_6157_zps0abe95c8.jpg

Snail eggs photo SnaileggsDSC_5880_zps5cea168c.jpg

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