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Posted by Merry on July 28, 2014 at 11:39:14:

Vis has been highly variable at our home away from home, Golf Ball Reef, but we still find different subjects to shoot. We never know what we're going to see, or what new animals will emerge as the reef's life cycle continues.

A view of Palos Verdes Peninsula from GBR.
 photo PVDSC_6881_zps909faec9.jpg

Flabellina iodinea swimming in the water column.
 photo FlabellinaiodineaswimDSC_6837_zps1d53f0a9.jpg

 photo FlabellinaiodineaswimDSC_6841_zps820886d7.jpg

 photo FlabellinaiodineaswimbruDSC_6848_zpsdca83bd5.jpg

 photo FlabellinaiodineaswimDSC_6855_zps7213234a.jpg

 photo SerpulidhairyDSC_6786_zpse461b23a.jpg

Juvenile calico rockfish remind me of butterflies as they dart around the rocky rubble.
 photo CalicorockfishjuvenileDSC_6815_zps31386603.jpg

 photo RonquiljuvenileDSC_6821_zps9d6c0b54.jpg

 photo CalicobassDSC_6801_zps30beb457.jpg

 photo BerthellacalifornicadrDSC_6780_zps1a67b509.jpg

Young kelp plants at GBR support miniscule shrimp, nudis, and flatworms. They're generally hiding under the fronds, somewhat cryptically colored and transparent.

 photo KelpshrimpDSC_6858_zpsf84105c3.jpg

 photo KelpshrimpDSC_6921_zpsfd3cada8.jpg

 photo KelpshrimpDSC_6918_zps8d79b27c.jpg

Phil found lion nudibranch eggs (Melibe leonina) several weeks ago on young kelp plants at the north end of GBR. I estimate this youngster to be ~4 mm. Maybe we'll see some adults over the coming months.
 photo MelibeleoninaDSC_6878_zpsbe036a94.jpg

The orange flatworm, Vorticeros praedatorium, shows up on kelp fronds no larger than a finger-nail clipping. I believe the ones we see are about full-size, so I included this shot to give you a sense of scale. Directly below it is a tiny lion nudi, too small for a diver's naked eye. At either side of the photo are 2 more lion nudis, barely visible.
 photo VorticerospraedatoriumDSC_6860_zps91b4382a.jpg

From the barge yesterday:
 photo SeacucumberfeetDSC_6931_zpsa4614cea.jpg

 photo SeacucumbersaDSC_6934_zpse8f1a3ea.jpg

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