
Re: CHAMBER DAY/EVE 2012 - EVENT UPDATE "D" (posted 4/20/12 - last updated 4/10)

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Posted by Test on August 26, 2014 at 14:13:14:

In Reply to: CHAMBER DAY/EVE 2012 - EVENT UPDATE "D" (posted 4/20/12 - last updated 4/10) posted by Chamber Day Committee on April 20, 2012 at 19:31:18:

Saturday, we roused out at 0-dark thirty, loaded dive gear and beat it down to 22nd Street Landing to catch the MAGICIAN for a ride out to Farnsworth Bank. Trip across was flat and glassy and it was difficult to tell when we cleared the harbor - there was no motion to speak of, just the sound of the engines to let us know we were under way. We were greeted on Farnsworth by fleets of Velella Velella the By-The-Wind-Sailor cnidarians that are coming ashore all along Socal beaches. Though the water was greenish and not as clear as in the past week due to the recent southern storm swell, I'll take 60+ foot visibility any time. Cindy and I took the opportunity to kill many pixels in our underwater hunt for the perfect image - which we didn't find, yet... Weather was nearly as flat on the trip back to San Pedro, and entertainment was provided by a couple of Blue Whales cruising the channel. This trip found Cindy making her 700th dive since she was certified 6-years ago. I couldn't ask for a better mate and dive buddy. Kudos to Captain Jerry Lewis, and the crew of the Magician - Earl, Daniel and Michelle - who provided great service and support. It was the best way to spend a Saturday!

Glassy water at the West End

Velella Velella on glass

Velella Velella up close

Sculpin watching the Jac-Macs

Hydrocoral canyon

Jac-Macs on the run

Dive #699 for Cindy

Blue whale buffet in the channel on the way home

Dive #700 was last dive of the day

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