
Vancouver Island - Part II

Great Dive Trips at Bargain Prices with the Sea Divers

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Posted by Merry on October 15, 2014 at 15:29:04:

Typical geography of the region makes for great wall-diving.

 photo ShorelineDSC_8008_zpsef74b511.jpg

Metridium senile dominated some landscapes.
 photo MetridiumorangeampwtDSC_7584_zps10c49863.jpg

 photo MetridiumsenileinspongeDSC_7603_zpsa6b948b9.jpg

Snail ID needed
 photo GorgeoussnailDSC_7665_zpsacbe67c5.jpg

Pink/Violet branching hydrocoral, Stylaster verilli. ID thanks to Clinton Bauder
 photo Stylasterverrilli800DSC_7983_zpsf565230d.jpg

Basket star, Gorgonocephalus eucnemis
 photo BasketstarDSC_7705_zps229d877b.jpg

Basket star among red soft coral with feeding polyps extended.
 photo LittlebasketstarDSC_7742_zpsb1c545fd.jpg

Caliostoma ligatum and two yellow hairy sea spiders feeding on the polyps of the red soft coral.
 photo CalliostomaligatumampseaspidersDSC_7735_zps13afbe56.jpg

Red soft coral, Gersemia rubiformis with feeding polyps retracted.
 photo RedsoftcoralclosedDSC_7659_zpscb4a24c1.jpg

Bushy, pink-mouth hydroid, Ectopleura crocea with both states of the red soft coral on either side.
 photo EctopleuracroceacontrastDSC_7468_zpsd630b66d.jpg

Orange sea pen, Ptilosarcus gurneyi
 photo SeapenscroppedDSC_7589_zpsea518c0f.jpg

Bering hermit crab, Pagurus beringanus
 photo BeringhermitPagurusberinganusDSC_7427_zps313efb5b.jpg

Wide hand hermit crab, Elassochirus tenuimanus
 photo WidehandhermitElassochirustenuimanusDSC_7423_zpsae973ae6.jpg

Umbrella crab, Cryptolithodes sitchensis
 photo UmbrellacrabCryptolithodessitchensisDSC_7792_zps6d458f1e.jpg

 photo LacunavinctaIDDSC_7577_zpsf4d1f21f.jpg

 photo FieldofanemonessizedDSC_7943_zps813f0316.jpg

Proliferating anemone, Epiactis prolifera
 photo ProliferatinganemoneDSC_7933_zpse17592af.jpg

 photo LgproliferatinganemonesDSC_7693_zpsd03aa3b9.jpg

ID needed
 photo UnknownanemoneDSC_7974_zps643abd13.jpg

Urticina grebelyni
 photo UrticinagrebelyniDSC_7949_zps76bb5de4.jpg

Crimson anemone, Cribrinopsis fernaldi
 photo CrimsonanemoneconDSC_7976_zps3e1be4ae.jpg

 photo AggregatingamenonesonkelpbrDSC_7885_zps597235fa.jpg

Graceful kelp crab, Pugettia gracilis
 photo GracefulkelpcrabDSC_7818_zpsb4edb160.jpg

 photo CrabbrDSC_7737_zpsdfb2bbe7.jpg

This crab covered itself with 2 kelp blades, and maintained a tight grip on both.
 photo CrabinkelpDSC_7478_zps3a90891f.jpg

 photo HermitxDSC_7387_zps3bb84c92.jpg

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