
The Water Is Always Greener On Our Side

JuJee Beads, handmade flamework glass beads

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Posted by Max Bottomtime on June 21, 2015 at 16:33:25:

The blue water we experienced last weekend gave me hope that the plankton blooms of Spring were over. For the first official weekend of Summer it looked like the middle of March. Surge, current and dark green water surrounded the Palos Verdes Peninsula.

Surprisingly, we had some very enjoyable dives. We didn't find any new animals, but we did see a large variety of critters willing to pose for us. Nudibranchs, hydroids, sponges, anemones and fish were all represented well. To top it off, a large Southern kelp crab called to Merry during our safety stop.

Water temperatures were back to "normal" for Palos Verdes at 52°. Welcome to Summer.

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