
Humpback is still hanging around...phytoplankton, too.

Scuba Diving on the Great Escape Southern California Live-Aboard Dive Boat

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Posted by Merry on October 12, 2015 at 10:08:22:

Over the last several weeks, we've repeatedly spotted a small humpback whale between Hermosa and Redondo. Yesterday it was slowly snorkeling off Torrance Beach, where the water appears to contain a colossal thick green bloom of phytoplankton.

Kevin and I sloshed around in surge, current, and extremely low vis at White Point Pipe and Hawthorne Reef - 70 and 66 degrees respectively. We didn't see much in the way of invertebrate life. Almost no nudis were out, and much of the supporting substrate, such as bryozoans and hydroids, looked dead-ish.

Next weekend, Phil will be back in the water. Kevin and I were becoming a little too comfortable with all that deck space!

 photo Humback amp Nick DSC_6406_zpspuznli3s.jpg

 photo Humpback head_zpsenltcmxf.jpg

 photo Humpback amp Nick DSC_6408_zpsplnncpfi.jpg

 photo Humpback big arch DSC_6416_zpsuhiksjot.jpg

 photo Humpback big arch 2 DSC_6417_zpsoiubhrfm.jpg

 photo calico face DSC_3585_zps3ggghhkf.jpg

 photo calico eye DSC_3582_zpscz4qfqo5.jpg

Stearns' aeolid, Austraeolis stearnsi, laying eggs.
 photo Austraeolis stearnsi amp eggs DSC_3499_zpskfsztxym.jpg

Extremely sparse pickin's on giant kelp, too. Three nest-building amphipods are barely visible.
 photo Amphipods in kelp nests DSC_3483_zps3y6tq1kt.jpg

 photo Corynactis pink DSC_3608_zpszpfx1mor.jpg

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