
The Colors of Browning Pass, British Columbia

Outer Bamnks diving on the Great Escape Southern California Live-Aboard Dive Boat

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Posted by Merry on October 20, 2015 at 17:16:13:

Fish-eating Anemone, Urticina piscivora
 photo 1. Rose anemone DSC_2401_zpshlqyfvdk.jpg

Juvenile Fish-eating Anemone, Urticina piscivora, referenced from Lamb and Hanby, 2005.
 photo 2. Juvenile rose anemone DSC_2710_zpsbbzd59xp.jpg

Giant plumose Anemone, Metridium farcimen
 photo 3. Plumose anemone DSC_2392_zpsvvh8cc7q.jpg

Crimson Anemone, Cribrinopsis fernaldi
 photo 4. Crimson anemone DSC_2715_zpsp2wacghf.jpg

These other-worldly-colored anemones are found where there’s maximum surge, very shallow, just beneath the surface.
Green Surf Anemone, Anthopleura xanthogrammica
 photo 5. green surf anemone DSC_2583_zpsxvbffbhz.jpg

 photo 6. green surf anemones DSC_2604_zpsrtbm0gwd.jpg

 photo 7. green surf anemone DSC_2606_zpsipi6x1gk.jpg

Small Pink Anemone – couldn’t find ID
 photo 8. small pink anemone DSC_2260_zpsz9fg08pi.jpg

Painted Anemone, Urticina crassicornis
 photo 10. Painted anemone Urticina crassicornis cor DSC_2280_zps6yhwanlv.jpg

Stubby Anemone, Urticina coriacea
 photo 11. Stubby rose anemone DSC_2258_zpsplllrma4.jpg

Upside-down Anemone – ID needed
 photo 12. upside down anemone DSC_2688_zpspkoecm4h.jpg

I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw this anemone in the shallows. Pink and white copepods were bustling across its oral disc. WHAT? They looked like sprinkles on a donut.
 photo 13. copepods lg DSC_2722_zpsjhsb3tji.jpg

 photo 14. copepods inset DSC_2722_zpsxxojuzos.jpg

Smooth Scallop Sponge, Mycale adhaerens
 photo 15. smooth scallop sponge DSC_2241_zpstavl4inp.jpg

Yellow Hairy Sea Spiders on Red Soft Coral, Tanystylum anthomasti and Gersemia rubiformis
 photo 16. Yellow hairy spiders on red soft coral DSC_2568_zpspcnvjnei.jpg

The anemone, Metridium senile, and Peach Ball Sponge, Suberites montiniger
 photo 17. Metridium senile amp peach ball sponge DSC_2447_zps1nl4ndno.jpg

Deep Blue Sponge, Hymenamphiastra cyanocrypta
 photo 18. Deep blue sponge P.O. 56 DSC_2478_zps9odnhdrn.jpg

The tunicate, Distaplia occidentalis
 photo 19. Distaplia occidentalis DSC_2249_zpsijhjrydi.jpg

Soft Coral
 photo 20. Softcoral DSC_2279_zpsrfshlm9q.jpg

Metridium senile
 photo 21. Metridium senile DSC_2573_zps7q93juit.jpg

Pink-mouth Hydroid, Ectopleura marina
 photo 22. Pink-mouth hydroid DSC_2303_zps3aonkqiy.jpg

Snails on Orange Sponge
 photo 23. Snails on orange sponge DSC_2450_zpslufpjnjr.jpg

Vancouver phoronid, Phoronopsis vancouverensis
 photo 24. phoronid 1 DSC_2129_zpsoog8y3er.jpg

Pacific Sea Peach Tunicate, Halocynthia aurantium
 photo 25. Pacific sea peach tunicate DSC_2633_zpsdpigm8ii.jpg

Calcareous Tubeworm Serpula columbiana
 photo 26. Serpula columbiana DSC_2318_zpsjkbpotda.jpg

Fringed Filament Worm, Dodecaceria fewkesi & Serpulid Worm
 photo 27. Fringed fillament worm 1 amp S_zpskc3qihzp.jpg

Yoke-bearing Calcareous Tube Worm, Crucigera zygophora
 photo 28. Yoke-bearing calcareous tube worm DSC_2721_zpssdnrauuw.jpg

Yoke-bearing Calcareous Tubeworm
 photo 29. Yoke-bearer calcareous tubeworms DSC_2706_zpsv3jq1xkv.jpg

Serpula columbiana
 photo 30. Serpula columbiana cr DSC_2561_zpsiktoiabi.jpg

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