
Flat seas, little wind, blue water and Tuna Crabs

Great Dive Trips at Bargain Prices with the Sea Divers

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Posted by Max Bottomtime on January 02, 2016 at 19:33:38:

We returned to Golf Ball Reef to document the deterioration caused by a new bryozoan that has covered reefs around Palos Verdes. It is growing on gorgonians, kelp sponges, rocks and even shells of snails and lobsters.

It's disheartening to see the reefs in this condition, but is was fun trying to chase tuna crabs around with our cameras.

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Go for a ride?

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We then returned to Hermosa Artificial Reef. The blue surface water turned to a snowstorm of particulates as we desended. Giant sea bass are still hanging around but it was almost impossible to get close enough for a photo in the poor visibility.

 photo Hermosa 3_zpszsruiaew.jpg

 photo Hermosa Reef 2_zpsggmloaxu.jpg

Water temperatures cooled a little more overnight. I had 54° at GBR.

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