
Upcoming Seadiver Meetings, Next April 5 Catalina Chamber Day

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Posted by Peter on April 02, 2016 at 16:06:22:

April 5. Tom Wetzel will give a program about the Catalina Chamber Day https://dornsife.usc.edu/chamberday/. This year Chamber Day is on May 4 and will include boat dive trips and an evening program.
May 3. Peter Landecker http://tinyurl.com/landecker will present a program about his recent dive trip to Cozumel. He will share images and video, and well as his experiences.
June 7. David Wilson will present a program about his recent dive trip to Bonaire. 
July 5. There will be a meeting but no special program. Enjoy the July Fourth holiday.  
August 2. Program to be announced.
September 6. There will be a meeting but no special program. Enjoy the Labor Day holiday.
October 4. Lorraine Sadler of the Catalina Hyperbaric Chamber will give a program about Sex and the Single Sea Serpent. 

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