
Re: Sonoma/Mendocino Coast Dives for Seahunt

Great Dive Trips at Bargain Prices with the Sea Divers

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Posted by seahunt on April 20, 2016 at 16:38:23:

In Reply to: Sonoma/Mendocino Coast Dives for Seahunt posted by B. Xavier on April 19, 2016 at 21:35:34:

... I am jealous!
You should be able to get air in Gualala at True Value Hardware. They rent gear. Sub-Surface Progression in Fort
Bragg is a neat dive shop. Check it out.
If you go to Van Damme, it is amazingly beautiful, but you want to get out a ways. If you can dive the Key Hole rock out
there, it's beautiful. On weekends you should be able to rent a kayak in the parking lot... maybe tow out your tank.
If you are sight seeing, it doesn't matter as much where you go. ...Trying to think where I would recommend... It's a
couple hundred miles of good diving, though apparently having some severe ecological problems.
It would also depend some on if you have a buddy. Again, Van Damme is a good place for solo diving. With a buddy, I'd
consider Windmill Cove at Bodega Bay...on a good day... if you're not overly worried about sharks. I dove there a lot and
liked it.
The reserve at Salt Point is an easy dive and interesting in a way. Lots of abalone to see, but like many reserves, not such
a balanced ecology.
OK, if I was going there, I think I would want to go back to Dark Gulch (or is it Black Gulch) just south of Heritage
House. Heritage House was closed last I knew, but if you can get in the upper parking lot, maybe you could get the trail to
the cove. Real nice place. There was a mature redwood underwater last time I was there.
I liked the cove just north of Fort Ross. You have to park by the stile (stair) over the fence and go through the field, but
it's a huge cove of good diving. Say hi to the cows for me. Beautiful place.
Sea Ranch is not what I call that special for sight seeing.
Really, Van Damme is perhaps visited too much, but anywhere around it should be great diving. It's hard to go wrong on the
North Coast.

Enjoy the diving, seahunt

That's the Key Hole out there off Van Damme. Dive around that for a pretty dive.

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