
Friday Dive in the SoBay

JuJee Beads, handmade flamework glass beads

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Posted by Patrick on April 23, 2016 at 14:28:55:

The mermaid and I were part of the merry crew that went offshore in the good ship Moby Kate to explore the briny for a Floaty Friday. It was a good news/bad news kinda day. The crew was great, the boat ran perfectly and the underwater conditions were just fine. Topside was a bit less pleasant. Dominant swells from at least two different directions along with an unexpected SE wind made it ROUGH! Confused seas is a descriptive understatement with the boat moving in several direction at once at the same time. It made gear handling and even moving around the boat a real challenge. At the end of the day it felt like I’d done an 8-hour gym workout. With the swells we were not expecting stellar conditions UW but were pleasantly surprised with 20-35 foot visibility on Hermosa Reef and a few Black Sea bass that were willing to have their photos taken. Despite the beating on the surface it was a very good dive day!
Stay wet!

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