
Who put the Verde in Palos Verdes?

JuJee Beads, handmade flamework glass beads

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Posted by Max Bottomtime on July 30, 2016 at 16:10:48:

We leave for Vancouver Island next weekend but it shouldn't be much different than we've had at home lately. The dark, green water remains around Palos Verdes. I wanted to get in some wide angle practice again but with conditions the way they are it is like shooting wide angle at night.

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The crane off Haggerty's was full of life today. Merry found a rock with ten Ancula gibbosa on it. Two Harbor seals found us, one even tugged on Merry's fin. It wasn't me this time. The school of black croakers is still here but the seals kept scattering them each time I tried to get a shot.

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It's mating time for spiny lobsters. The large ones are getting active. If the big boy in the crane mount is still here in two months he may end up in someone's kitchen.

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Water was 55° with a dark ten feet of visibility. The wind was already creating waves and whitecaps at 9:45 so we skipped the second dive.

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