
Dive Cortes Bank and SBI on Oct Oct 4-5

Outer Bamnks diving on the Great Escape Southern California Live-Aboard Dive Boat

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Posted by The Sea Divers Dive Club on September 27, 2016 at 00:58:13:

Join us on our annual trip to Cortes Bank and Santa Barbara Island aboard the Peace on Tues-Wed October 4-5 aboard the Peace, Bugzilla.

On the upcoming Bugzilla trip we aim to go to Cortes Bank on the first day and Santa Barbara Island on the second if conditions allow. As of today because of some cancellations we have three spots available. Not every one on this trip dives for bugs.

The water is typically at it warmest point of the year, and visibility is usually fantastic. There are some divers who come on these this trip just to enjoy the fantastic diving at Cortes Bank where in recent years we have seen hammerheads (in the distance), many Yellowtail, and the beautiful lush reefs with abundant fish.

If you would like to go you can sign up online. If you have more questions please email Suzanne or call her at 626-211-1119.

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