
Things That Go Bump In The Day

Great Dive Trips at Bargain Prices with the Sea Divers

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Posted by Max Bottomtime on October 29, 2016 at 20:32:01:

That would be Merry and me. After yet another week of working overtime I was looking forward to either sleeping in today or going diving. Merry woke me up and said the ocean looked diveable. I looked at the Redondo beach camera and it wasn't bad. By the time we were under way the swells seemed to get closer together other every minute.

We made it to Kevin's Reef and were surprised to see great visibility despite the surface conditions. After a great dive we surfaced to find it even bumpier. Rather than heading to the fuel dock in San Pedro we decided to go home.

Along the way Merry talked me into a second dive at the Barge. I knew we wouldn't be diving tomorrow so I agreed. Again we had good vis on the bottom.

I'll be sleeping in a bit tomorrow, then working on the boat. The ocean will be flat next weekend. It has to be sometime.

Highlights from Kevin's Reef
 photo Kevins Reef 1_zpsmy7ftd5u.jpg

 photo Kevins Reef 2_zpstppiibas.jpg

 photo Kevins Reef 3_zpsxijnngmi.jpg

 photo Kevins Reef 4_zpstzqkvx56.jpg

 photo Kevins Reef 14_zpsaoqb9ybq.jpg

 photo Kevins Reef 5_zpsehp80lsz.jpg

 photo Kevins Reef 6_zpscbgbt0zr.jpg

 photo Kevins Reef 7_zpsu3sfsagv.jpg

 photo Kevins Reef 8_zpsdgbufbuq.jpg

 photo Kevins Reef 10_zpsztpy9gto.jpg

 photo Kevins Reef 11_zpsssmd43up.jpg

 photo Kevins Reef 12_zpsljtkerfo.jpg

From the Barge
 photo Redondo Barge 1_zpsftgnr5sn.jpg

 photo Redondo Barge 2_zps0chcotbo.jpg

 photo Redondo Barge 3_zps5kiot0am.jpg

 photo Redondo Barge 5_zpsb2ze6kv9.jpg
Minuscule Tritonia festiva

 photo Redondo Barge 6_zps35h2pjr9.jpg

 photo Redondo Barge 7_zpsikgzjkll.jpg

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