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Posted by Max Bottomtime on January 17, 2017 at 15:31:37:

Swell models are calling for 2-4 feet until tomorrow night with the sea building to 16 feet by Saturday. If you want to get in a dive you had better hurry. We tried to beat the impending doom by diving at Hawthorne Reef today.

The ocean was calm enough to zip along without getting beat up but the surge at 80 feet made photography nearly impossible. I made a 63 minute dive and came away with two images. Visibility was decent at 15 feet with 56° on the reef.

 photo Hawthorne Reef 3_zpsa1jnnqgo.jpg
Pair of Flabellina trilineata

 photo Hawthorne Reef 1_zpsdzojcarb.jpg
Hermissenda opalescens

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