
Dive Report: Catalina Island on March 4th 2017

Outer Bamnks diving on the Great Escape Southern California Live-Aboard Dive Boat

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Posted by J. Reeb on March 07, 2017 at 23:17:37:

Headed out to CI with Brian, Frank and Jon for a three dive trip on the Magician Dive Boat.

We dove Starlight, Crane Base and Big Geiger. Overall conditions were poor, with visibility generally 15'-20'. The first site was the most enjoyable as Captain Carl and crew consider it to have one of the healthier kelp forrest on the rebound. We swam along the kelp edge enjoying the interface beyween the forrest and the open sea. The remaining two sites had a consderable amount of sargassum, which was disappointing.

Speaking with Captain Carl regarding overall conditions at CI he explained he prefers to do from Starlight to the Westend as the kelp has returned better there then the other two sites we dove. (A low competency diver onboard prevented us from going to those more advanced West end sites).

For advanced divers, he likes Farnsworth, or the trio of Ship Rock, Bird Rock, and Blue Caverns. I would not be anxious to repeat yesterdays dive sites (2 and 3) so in the future I will be choosing trips specific to advanced divers or heading to the outer islands.

J. Reeb
Dark-Thirty Divers

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