
Half & Half

Outer Bamnks diving on the Great Escape Southern California Live-Aboard Dive Boat

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Posted by Max Bottomtime on August 19, 2017 at 17:00:27:

After dropping off a new buoy at the Marineland platform Merry and I headed for Halfway Reef. We usually make two dives when we go out but the conditions allowed only half of that total.

The upper half of the water column was a bit green with just enough visibility to see our anchor chain. The lower half was great. We saw dozens of dead Pyrosoma atlanticum in the sand from twenty feet above.

Halfway through the dive the visibility went south. Swells picked up sand, creating a surge storm that ended the dive. The surface was choppy with an occasional large swell and whitecaps. We cut our losses and went home. We didn't stand half a chance.

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Float over the Marineland Platform

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Scorpaena guttata, California scorpionfish photobombing

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Alloclinus holderi, Island kelpfish

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Sebastes caurinus, Copper Rockfish

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Clathria Parthena, Red Beard sponge

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Polycera tricolor

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Diaulula sandiegensis

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Triopha catalinae

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Cadlina limbaughorum

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Peltodoris mullineri

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