
Poopie End Of The Stick

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Posted by Max Bottomtime on November 21, 2017 at 19:47:41:

During our Sunday dives Kevin Lee found some nudibranch eggs that we could not identify. Kevin asked some experts and still had no answer. Merry and I rushed to Garden Spot this morning hoping to get some decent photos of the eggs. They were no longer there. Either they all hatched in the 44 hours since we were there or were gobbled up.

We headed to Golf Ball Reef for a second dive but stopped to visit with Jim Lyle and Margaret Webb on the Popeye Maru. Margaret had seen a juvenile Gray whale not only once, but twice on the same dive at GBR a couple of years ago. Today Jim saw a juvenile Humpback near the Landing Craft. We need to rub some of the Popeye Maru's luck onto No Pressure.

Conditions were much better topside today than Sunday. Visibility was just slightly better.

Garden Spot
Nice surface at Garden Spot

Popeye Maru
Lucky Margaret

Humpback 1

Humpback 2

Humpback 3
Jim's Baby

Humpback 3

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