
CHAMBER CHALLENGE 2018 - UPDATE #13 - $55,266 (posted 4/25/18 - last updated 4/23)

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Posted by Chamber Day 2018 on April 25, 2018 at 08:11:08:

We made it past $55,000!!!

We’re exactly one week away from Chamber Day 2018. That’s usually elicits one of two reactions. It’s either “OMG, we’ve only got a week to hit our goals!!” . . . or . . . “In seven days they’ll stop hounding me to do the right thing.” If you fall into the second group, permit me to hound some more.

First of all, for those of you who have yet to contribute to the Challenge or perhaps have NEVER done so, you know in your heart-of-hearts that this is a good thing and the right thing to do. I’m a big believe in paying-it-forward and both life and diving have been very good to me and I feel an obligation to give back and make sure that divers who are coming into this sport as well as those still diving locally have the same benefits I did. And that’s where Challenge contributions come in.,

You’ll note in this update that it’s powered entirely by Bronze level contributions. Those really add up. So, much as we like to crow about the $1,000 and $500 donations (let alone the $5,000 and $10,000 ones), don’t for a second think we aren’t eternally grateful for the $100 ones. Those are numerous & plentiful (as you can see below) and appreciated.

Our next benchmark is $60,000. We’ve only hit this four other times. Howe about helping us make this year #5? Here’s the direct donation link: https://dornsife.usc.edu/cf/chamberday/payment.cfm along with our updated list of Chamber Challenge donors:

CHAMBER CHALLENGE 2018 - $55,266 total (Updated 4/25/2018 @ 8AM)
New donors are marked with an asterisk.

Diamond ($10,000 & up)
Ocean Institute

Platinum ($5,000-9,999)
Galileo Capri
In memory of Dr. Jeff Sipsey (Anonymous)
Mike Emmerman, Pat Stockhausen, & TJ
Antelope Valley Desert Divers

Gold ($1,000-4,999)
Maja Vrvilo
Andrew Pilmanis
South Orange County Dive Club
Hollywood Divers
Beach Cities Scuba
Pacific Wilderness
Billy Chambers
John Delaney

Silver ($500-999)
In memory of Patrick Smith (Gary & Deanne King)
Rex Uber
Craig & Leesa Walker Foundation
Jewish Community Foundation of Los Angeles
James Whipple
In memory of Patrick Smith (Channel Islands Dive Adventures)
Ethan Bush
Susy Horowitz
Angi & Ron Burkard
Phillips 66 / 76 match (Burkard)
Mike Couffer
Don Lake
In memory of Tom Wetzel (Karl Huggins)

Bronze ($100-499)
* In memory of Captain Tom Binkley & Kevin Binkley (Cee Ray Dive buddies)
* Jean Cassidy
* Michael Madden
* In memory of Charlie the dog (Marilyn Lawrence)
* Skip Abelson
* Jesse & Tracy Crane
* Barnacle Busters LGBTQ Dive Club
* Kevin Augarten
Laura & Robert Mosqueda
Mark Stab
David Rosario
In memory of Patrick Smith (Roger Carlson)
In memory of Captain Patrick Smith (Dale & Kim Sheckler)
In memory of David Witmer (Diane Witmer)
Jean-Yves Couleaud
Glenn Harrington
Raymond Kiel
Ron Coverston
Dan & Betty Orr
James Ruddick
PCH Scuba
Dana Rodda
In memory of Patrick Smith (Cindy Shaw)
Martha Somers
Louis Weisberg, M.D.
The Benavides Family
J Tregre
Laguna Sea Dwellers
Bill Holzer
Rachel Lance
Jing Yeo
Gary Sanders
Christopher Madsen
In honor of the AOP dive volunteers (Jeanne Sleeper)
In memory of Tim Burke (Susy Horowitz)
Tim Fitzhugh
GEICO match (Fitzhugh)
In memory of Max Von Klein (Fiona Macfarlane)
In honor of the Pacific Grove Hyperbaric Chamber (Margaret Donat)
Allison Vitsky & Andy Sallmon
Pfizer match (Vitsky & Sallmon)
In memory of Tom Wetzel (Kathy Kalohi)
Laurie Kasper
In memory of Tom Wetzel UICC 25 (Glenn & Kathryn Harrington)
Michael Faust
In memory of Tom Wetzel (Daniel Roberts)
Henry Gittler
Francesco Cameli
Stuart Berryhill
Scot & Karen Parker
Google match (Parker)
Roy Houston
Larry Thompson
Tina Branca

Other (less than $100)
* Bonny Bentzin
Brock Dewey
Paul Weers
Debbie Rubin

Ken Kurtis
Chairman, Chamber Day/Eve 2018
& the entire Chamber Day 2018 Committee

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