
Under The Rolling Swells

Outer Bamnks diving on the Great Escape Southern California Live-Aboard Dive Boat

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Posted by Max Bottomtime on May 30, 2018 at 18:22:21:

We hauled our boat out today for bottom paint and various maintenance procedures. We wanted to get in one last day of diving yesterday so Kevin Lee joined us for a day of fighting back the ocean. We had to get in some much needed bottom time.

At Halfway Reef life was nearly back to normal. With better than twenty-five feet visibility we could easily spot the hundreds of nudibranchs crawling among the bryozoa, sponges, algae and worms.

The same conditions were encountered at Golf Ball Reef. Life on the offshore reefs seems to be rebounding just in time for us to be out of the water. I found octopus, juvenile fish, crabs and lots and lots of nudibranchs, including one, Jorunna pardus that I had only seen once before.

The cooler 52° water likely helped bring life back to our favorite reefs.

Rathbunella hypoplecta, Bluebanded Ronquil

Rathbunella hypoplecta, Bluebanded Ronquil

Lythrypnus zebra, Zebra goby

Sebastes carnatus, Gopher Rockfish

Rhinogobiops nicholsii, Blackeye goby

Orthonopias triacis, Snubnose Sculpin

Scorpaena guttata, California scorpionfish

Oxylebius pictus, Painted Greenling

Phidolopora labiata, Lacy bryozoan

Bispira turneri

Bispira turneri

Salmacina tribranchiata

Lophogorgia chilensis, Red Gorgonian

Snail eggs

Polycera atra

Polycera atra

Polycera tricolor

Flabellina trilineata

Flabellina trilineata

Hermissenda opalescens

Hermissenda opalescens

Aegires albopunctatus

Berthella californica

Berthella californica

Berthella californica

Cadlina luteomarginata

Cadlina flavomaculata

Thordisa rubescens egg ribbon

Flabellinopsis iodinea, Spanish Shawl

Cuthona divae

Cadlina limbaughorum

Baptodoris mimetica

Baptodoris mimetica

Diaulula sandiegensis

Triopha catalinae

Acanthodoris hudsoni

Acanthodoris hudsoni

Jorunna pardus, Leopard Dorid

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