
Help with Baby Giant Sea Bass Research at Veteran's Park and La Jolla Shores

Outer Bamnks diving on the Great Escape Southern California Live-Aboard Dive Boat

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Posted by Michael Couffer on August 10, 2018 at 11:47:14:

Last season quite a few of you submitted left and right side photos to me with the date and time, specific location, and depth when you found baby Giant Sea Bass. One baby GSB was photographed on FIVE separate nights by several people with the first and last images taken over a month apart. Another fish was photographed on two separate nights by different divers. I'd like to add to these re-sightings. Please find baby GSB, photograph both sides of the fish flat to the camera so that I can see the spot pattern, and record the depth and SPECIFIC location off La Jolla Shores or Veteran’s Park in Redondo Beach, relating your location to a known underwater feature or two. I'm planning for your photos and information to go into an update to my 2017 scientific journal paper on Individually-Unique Spot Patterns of Young-of-the-Year Giant Sea Bass. This project is separate from the "spottinggiantseabass" web-based project that I encourage you to submit adult GSB photos to. If you photograph baby GSBs this season, please email the left and right side photos and information to me at mikecouffer@gmail.com; I'll email you a short form to fill out, and if your sighting was at La Jolla Shores, a map of locally-known underwater features to mark where you saw your fish. During the few years that I’ve been looking, the earliest young-of-the-year GSB appeared at a nursery site on August 8, which was two days ago. They SHOULD all still be in the tiny black or brown phases now, with the change from brown to orange coming later. You might check the date and time stamp on your cameras so that these are accurately recorded on photos. Stay safe out there and go git ‘em!

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