
I Take My Snoots Off For One Day And I Forget How To Use Them

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Posted by Max Bottomtime on November 20, 2018 at 13:26:42:

After shooting wide angle during my last dive I wanted to try my snoots at Golf Ball Reef. Visibility was the best I have seen there. From ten feet below the surface I could see my anchor in the sand sixty-seven feet below. There was no water movement, great visibility and the kelp was vertical and still. I couldn't have asked for better conditions. Maybe I should have. There was very little to shoot.

Gone were the plentiful nudibranchs, sponges and hydroids we're used to seeing here. Other than a school of anchovies on the anchor chain and a school of juvenile rainbow sea perch on the reef, it was a pretty dull dive...until I finished my safety stop.

There was some kelp about thirty feet away that nearly reached the surface. I swam over and looked for any interesting critters on the fronds. I was about to give up when I saw a two inch long flatworm that I didn't recognize. Crawling among the amphipods, it reminded me of Gulliver's Travels.

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