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Great Dive Trips at Bargain Prices with the Sea Divers

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Posted by Max Bottomtime on September 25, 2019 at 15:10:36:

Merry and I went to Hermosa Artificial Reef to test some new gear this morning. The strong winds almost kept us home, but we didn't want to waste the small surf. Visibility was a very hazy twelve to fifteen feet. It improved slightly as we were about to ascend. The California Wreckfish (GSB) were skittish in the poor vis today compared to last week. I was unable to get any close up shots.

Merry loves her new eight inch dome port. It's lighter than the ten inch Zen dome we used before, and not as buoyant underwater. I was trying some new dry gloves, Showa 379. They kept me dry and my hands were warm, so they passed.

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