
King Harbor Dredging, comments due 10/31. Got any photos from last time?

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Posted by Roger on October 14, 2020 at 00:19:30:

King harbor will be dredged (it does need it). There are shoals building along the breakwall at the north end, on the inside, and on the south side of the small inner wall.

Dredged material is proposed to be dumped inside the harbor, in the middle of the turning basin, and off topaz jetty, at the usual spot, for sand storage. I think it is eventually moved when needed onto the beach, to replenish the beach after storms.

This has happened in the past, particularly when they dredged marina del Rey a few years ago, and they did not screen the sand for plastic and trash as promised, vets was a mess on the beach and in the water.

See the document at the link below, and comment if you want to. Comments are due 10/31 (sorry for the late notice, I just got this).

If anyone has any photos or stories or anything from the last dredging, please send them on to me if you don't want to submit them yourself.

If you haven’t made comments on one of these before, it’s better to make your comments as substantive as possible. If there is something you don’t like, define it, and make them assess it, and ideally, mitigate it.

Comments like:
“Dumping sand will hurt the fish” or
“you made the water silty”

Are not as good as
“this area is a giant sea bass nursery, refer to these papers, trash and silt have an impact on an endangered species and their food supply. Please describe how you will eliminate this impact”, or
“this area is a breeding ground for market squid (here are photos and many links), you don’t assess the impact of silt, trash, or DDT on them. Please do so.”, or
“Here are photos of trash in the water after the marina del Rey dredging. Will the same practices be used, can we expect the same amount of trash? The application says that sand will be screened for trash. How will this requirement be met when it has not been in the past?”
“This area is a popular surf break. What effect will additional sand offshore have on the break. Will it reduce use of the beach in this area and send surfers out of Redondo Beach?”

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