
San Simeon Kayak Dive

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Posted by Brian Xavier on July 10, 2021 at 07:07:44:

Launched off the little beach and went way out in the kelp. Dove at 45 feet. Tons of rockfish....blues...olives...black and yellows... a few reds. Viz was 5 to 8 feet. Gas off was a little creepy in the dark water.
All I could hear in my head was "Thats' a 20 footer....25..."
Went out a little further when I was fishing and the viz changed to a good 25 feet. Only get one tank kayak diving but wished I'd saved it for the good vis. The fishing was on...they bit like crazy. Bought the farm on the way in...a creeper wave wacked me and I was already top heavy with all that gear. Had it all tied down so didn't lose any. Finally got my yak flipped over and my anchor and weight belt back in. Tie everything down.....

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