
Old New Regulators

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Posted by Mojostone on August 13, 2022 at 02:59:56:

Many years ago I suffered a back injury. Which put a end to my diving in California. Just prior to this. I purchased 2 new regulators, a ScubaPro MK25/A700 and a Poseidon MK3/Jetstream. Neither regulators has ever been used or even wet. Is there a shelf life of a regulator, before it should be serviced? I also bought a ScubaPro dive computer. Which also, has never been wet. I plan to replace the batteries in it and my back up computer.

I can and have done warm water diving since my back surgery. My last dives were at Coron, El Nido and Port Barton, Palawan, Philippines with rental gear. I just hire someone. To carry my gear and I put my gear on in the water. My long time dive buddy is aware of my handicap. I am retired and moving to the Philippines at the end of the this year. Considering the bad experiences, I have had with rental gear. I plan to ship my dive gear to the Philippines

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