
Another day, another dive in marginal visibility

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Posted by Max Bottomtime on August 29, 2024 at 19:21:13:

Another day, another dive in marginal visibility. Merry Passage and I dived the barge off Redondo Beach this morning. The ocean was flat but the water was dark and cold. Merry's drysuit arrived back from the repair shop today, so her wetsuit days are over for a while.

Limaria hemphilli, swimming file clam

Metridium senile

Scorpaena guttata, California scorpionfish

Octopus rubescens with eggs

Paguristes ulreyi, Furry hermit crab

Savalia lucifica, Zoanthid Anemone

Aeolidia loui

Anteaeolidiella oliviae, Olive's Aeolid

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