
2024 Diving Recap

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Posted by Max Bottomtime on December 26, 2024 at 16:46:15:

2024 can't end soon enough. Fog and large surf have kept us out of the water too often this year. I only made 49 dives this year, my lowest total in years. We squeezed in a few dives last Winter between storms and experienced a lot of gear issues and a bad case of whooping cough during a trip to South Australia, but we still managed to have a few great adventures.

In March, the ocean gave us a few good days to catch up on our Giant Sea Bass survey at the Hermosa Beach Artificial Reef. We have identified 132-190 distinct individuals there, with many photos of both the left and right sides.

We traveled to Edithburgh and Whyalla, South Australia for the annual Giant Cuttlefish migration in June. Between missing dry glove rings, a torn drysuit, and a bad case of Pertussis, we only made a handful of dives during the trip. I was happy with the photos I managed to get.

Back home, we dived when conditions would allow. My Pertussis dragged on for nearly four months. I wouldn't wish it on anyone. It's not a lot of fun going through coughing fits while trying to breathe through a regulator.

Bow of the Avalon wreck

Aeolidia loui on the Redondo barge

We even had a few decent dives on the outfall pipes off El Segundo.

In September we were fortunate to witness a mass mating event unlike any we had seen. Limacia mcdonaldi by the hundreds covered an area the size of a school bus. There were likely thousands, but we didn't move much. I don't think I had seen more than three individuals on a dive until then.

We made local dives during the Fall between Hermosa Beach and Pt. Fermin.

Merry saw a Red Octopus nest at Golf Ball Reef during a hatching event. I missed it by a few minutes.

Radio Tower off Pt. Fermin, San Pedro

Glassy surface on the south side of Palos Verdes

Doriopsilla spaldingi on the White Point outfall pipe

Earlier this month, Merry made her 1500th dive, which coincided with our 1300th dive together.

My first Pristigenys serrula, Popeye Catalufa Soldierfish sighting

We finally made our first night dives from our boat after only fourteen years. Two of them brought us another adventure. A massive squid run on the edge of the Redondo Canyon made for exciting dives. Attracted to our green fishing light, the water was filled with a thick cloud of squid. Merry said they were between her mask and the back of her camera housing, making it difficult to photograph.

Just as the excitement began, the conditions turned and are now keeping us land-locked until 2025. Hopefully, it will be a much better year for my logbook.

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