
Another Vet's night dive

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Posted by Max Bottomtime on January 24, 2025 at 17:21:57:

Another night dive off Redondo Beach last night. Merry Passage and I still had an interesting dive, despite the sand particulates in the water. Visibility was poor, but during my walk today the water off the Redondo Beach Pier looked like a swimming pool.

We had a few squid on the sand as well as near our green fishing light at twenty-five feet. I had a 3/4" squid (not sure of the species yet) buzz me, darting away each time I tried to get a photo. Red octopus were everywhere last night.

Metacarcinus anthonyi, Yellow rock crab

Mystery squid

Octopus rubescens

Megastraea undosa, Wavy Turban snail

Zaniolepis latipinnis, Longspine Combfish

Heterodontus francisci, Horn Shark

Flabellinopsis iodinea, Spanish Shawl

Doryteuthis opalescens, Market squid

Caulolatilus princess, Ocean whitefish

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