
Great Finds Off Redondo Beach Last Night

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Posted by Max Bottomtime on February 02, 2025 at 17:21:09:

Lots of great finds off Redondo Beach last night. Merry Passage and I made another dive a few hundred yards west of the Topaz Pilings near the edge of the Redondo Canyon.

Our green fishing light attracted a school of 50+ juvenile squid. On the sand were the usual critters in addition to a few surprises. I found a pair of Apata pricei laying eggs, the second Tritonia exsulans I have seen in over 35 years of diving, and my first Platymera gaudichaudii, a tiny crab that scooted away after I got one photo.

We also found several poachers, scorpionfish, octopus, and Merry found a new blackwater animal she hasn't identified yet.

Four inch long Tritonia exulans

Platymera gaudichaudii

Apata pricei

Dendronotus venustus

Dendronotus venustus

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